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Ennerdale Technologies

Driving business through technology


Ennerdale Technologies

Ennerdale Tech's CRM solutions provide comprehensive architectural design for a highly effective, centralised CRM software offering. Built on best practices with the latest technology, our services include ground up CRM platform development, technology utilisation assessments, marketing tools development, and transactional databases handling large volumes.

Ennerdale Tech CRM Systems Development services offer full CRM solution lifecycle requirements, system design, development, deployment, and integration capabilities as well as marketing resource management. The customer-centric systems we deploy leverage a application programming interface (API) technology that standardises communications layers, and creates a reference base across all sub branches and products, including customers, transactions, and accounts.

This capability enables businesses reduce marketing and support costs while improving the ability to segment and target their customers. We offer various CRM technology options or plug-ins, including custom and industry-specific marketing database models, best-of-breed and suite-based end-user applications. All of our technologies can integrate with a multitude of third-party applications in addition to your internal operational systems. In summary, Ennerdale Tech CRM Systems Development is a one-stop-shop for all your CRM technology and enabling capability needs. CRM Systems Support

Ennerdale Tech CRM Systems Support services ensure your solution is up to date, accurate, and online while providing strategic recommendations on how to best leverage the systems capabilities over time. We offer a broad range of hosted offerings to meet your budget and business needs, thereby minimising over-reliance on your internal IT department, while enabling support and marketing staff to be self-sufficient. Lastly, we have user training services, including ongoing training sessions for end-users across all applications, to ensure that your team is benefiting from the solutions we provide.


Coordinate planning and execution across teams

Improve collaboration across key account managers, field reps, and marketing to boost execution and deliver a personalized customer experience.